Prague Hotels Map

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Using a hotels map is a very effective way how to find a hotel in Prague with perfect location suitable to your needs and the purpose of your visit to Prague. If you use this Prague hotels map for choosing your hotel, you are much less likely to end up disappointed with your hotel’s neighbourhood or greater distance to attractions or public transport.

What this Prague hotels map displays

This Prague hotels map is based on Google Maps and adds icons of individual hotels, cities, and landmarks for quick navigation.

Individual hotels

When hovering mouse over an individual hotel’s icon (white bed symbol on dark blue background), you see a very short description of the hotel. When you click on the icon, you get to the particular hotel’s page, which contains all the details, pictures, room rates, and hotel guest reviews.

Landmarks and important places

For example, Prague hotels map shows icons for places like Prague Castle, Old Town Square, or Florenc Central Bus Station. When you click on the icon (a white camera on light blue background), you get to the landmark’s hotel search page, where you can sort hotels by distance from the particular landmark or filter the hotel search results by distance (e.g. only show hotels less than 0.5 km from the landmark).


In case of Prague it is unlikely that you will want to stay in a hotel outside Prague in a different city, but when you’re looking for a hotel in a greater region, you may find this feature useful. When you click on a city’s icon (small dark red square), you get to the city’s hotel page, which displays a more detailed hotel map and navigates you further through the selection of the city’s hotels. Here is the city hotel map and page of Prague.

Other tools for easy navigation on the hotels map

The Prague hotels map also includes all the standard features of Google Maps, like metro stations, train stations, street names, the option to switch between standard and satellite map, and zoom in / zoom out tool.

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How to display Prague hotels map from hotel search results page

When you are browsing a hotel search results page, you have 2 ways how to display a detailed Prague hotels map again.

  • On the hotel search results page, every hotel shows its address (second line just below the hotel’s name and stars) and at the end of the address you have a link that says “Show map”.
  • A small hotel map of the particular area is directly visible on the left side of the hotel search results page (below the filter options). You can enlarge the hotels map by clicking on it.

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