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Hotels Map of Prague

Interactive map of Prague hotels based on Google Maps, with added icons of hotels and tourist attractions. Room rates and booking available directly from the map.

Hotels near Prague Na Knizeci Station

Prague Na Knizeci Bus Station hotels and accommodation. Why Andel and Na Knizeci might be better places to stay than Prague Old Town. Hotel search and tips.

Eurolines Czech Republic Bus Stations and Ticket Offices

Eurolines bus stations and offices in the Czech Republic: Prague, Brno, Plzen, Usti nad Labem, Hradec Kralove. Bus station directions, tickets, bus travel tips.

Eurolines Brno Bus Station Locations

Locations of the two Eurolines bus stations in Brno, Czech Republic and basic info about bus routes from Brno, schedules, prices, and bus ticket booking.

Bohemian Lines Bus from Prague to Copenhagen

Overnight bus between Prague and Copenhagen Czech company Bohemian Lines operates buses between the Czech Republic and Copenhagen (they also

Taxi in Prague: Prices, Risks, and Tips

Bad reputation of Prague taxi drivers Overcharging tourists. Speeding and dangerous driving. Being rude. Not speaking English. Prague taxi drivers

Student Agency Bus from Prague to Copenhagen

Travel from Prague to Copenhagen by bus If you don’t want to take a plane from Prague to the Danish

Eurolines Plzen Bus Station

Basic information about Eurolines bus services in Plzen, Czech Republic. Location of the bus station, routes, schedules, and ticket booking.