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Hotels near Nove Butovice Metro Station in Prague

Accommodation near Prague Nove Butovice metro station and the shopping centre Galerie Butovice. Hotels on metro line B.

Hotels near Jinonice Metro Station in Prague

Accommodation near Jinonice metro station in Prague. Hotels in Jinonice, Radlice, and Smichov.

Hotels near Radlicka Metro Station in Prague

Accommodation near Radlicka Station on Prague metro line B. Hotels in Radlicka Street, near Smichov and Andel stations.

Hotels near Vysocanska Metro Station in Prague

Accommodation close to Vysocanska metro station and Praha Vysocany train station. Hotels in Prague Vysocany district.

Hotels near Kolbenova Metro Station in Prague

Accommodation near Prague Kolbenova metro station (line B). Hotels in Prague Vysocany district.

Certovka River and Kampa in Winter

Winter picture of the Certovka Channel in Prague. The Certovka separated Kampa Island from Lesser Quarter.

Hotels near Hloubetin Metro Station in Prague

Hotels close to Hloubetin Station and Podebradska Street. Accommodation in Prague Hloubetin district.

Hotels near Rajska Zahrada Metro Station in Prague

Accommodation close to Rajska Zahrada metro station in Prague. Hotels on metro line B.