Eurolines Plzen Bus Station

Eurolines in Plzen, Czech Republic

Plzen (Pilsen) is the fourth largest Czech city. It is located in West Bohemia on the way from Prague to Nürnberg in Germany. The distance between Prague and Plzen is about 100 km. Eurolines, the pan-European long-distance bus network, operate regular bus services between Prague and many other cities in various part of Europe. Many of the buses from Prague to the west also stop in Plzen.

Eurolines Plzen bus routes

Buses from Prague to cities in France, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, and to some German cities generally stop in Plzen. Direct Eurolines bus connections from Plzen include London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, or Munich.

Eurolines Plzen bus station

Eurolines buses stop at the Central Bus Station in Plzen (Centralni autobusove nadrazi or CAN in Czech). The bus station is located in the western part of Plzen city centre between Skvrnanska Street and Husova Street.

Eurolines Plzen bus tickets

Bus schedules, ticket prices, and booking are available online on the official website of Eurolines Czech Republic. Besides regular discounts (e.g. for students or seniors) there are various special discounts and promotions on individual bus routes throughout the year.

Accommodation in Plzen

Plzen is much (about 8 times) smaller than Prague and it is not a typical tourist destination. Therefore, hotel capacities are quite limited compared to Prague. Here you can search about 30 good hotels in Plzen.

Here you can search more than 400 hotels in Prague.

Eurolines Czech Republic

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